Robotnik, users can unlock a gallery that. In addition to playing a full, single-player game mode that has the game's heroines saving the world from Dr. 'Project X: Love Potion Disaster' is a fan-made game that is set in the fictitious universe of 'Sonic the Hedgehog' and stars the game's feminine characters. Root Windows 5.5+ 'ALPHA' Project X v5.8. Project X Love Potion Disaster Archives.The easiest way to backup and share your files with everyone. Project x love potion disaster 3.5 saves project x love potion disaster 3.5 saves X Project. Can anyone tell me what are the commands to save in that game? Been trying to figure that out for ages. Project X: Love Potion Disaster 3.5 - by ZetaR-02. Project X Love Potion Disaster 3.5 Project X Love Potion Disaster 3.5 project.x.hacked.Project X Love Potion Disaster 5.5 Download Full Jejeje, veo que les gusto mucho el juego, y les diremos, recientemente la creadora actualizo el juego sacando una personaje extra (nigro les dira quien es xDDD) pero por mientras.Download Project X Love Potion Disaster 5.5.Project X Love Potion Disaster 5.5 Download.Jejeje, veo que les gusto mucho el juego, y les diremos, recientemente la creadora actualizo el juego sacando una personaje extra ( nigro les dira quien es xDDD ) pero por mientras.